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Oracle pours a mug o' Java 11 for its addicts, tips pot of Binary Code License down the sink

Allonymous Coward

I recently had an unrewarding conversation with one of our managers about this. We run a lot of our existing stuff on OpenJDK via Ubuntu. It's worked well for years, but people are starting to do the usual headless chickens impression about moving to Java 11 because what if there's a security hole in February 2019 etc.

I suggested maybe using AdoptOpenJDK to give us a longer timeline on Java 8 but apparently that makes our managers "nervous" because you're reliant on an upstream volunteer effort to release patches. I pointed out that's what we do already but I don't think it reassured them. Perhaps if AdoptOpenJDK had a more "Enterprise" website or something. Anyway at that point I decided to shut up before they made us move to Solaris too.

Sometimes it depresses me how little these people have learned about open source. On the bright side I'm out of that job at the end of the year so won't be around when the smelly brown liquid (coffee, what did you think?) hits the fan.

Icon, because Oracle.

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