Reply to post: Even the simple things

That scary old system with 'do not touch' on it? Your boss very much wants you to touch it. Now what do you do?


Even the simple things

Once, I had a consulting call - a friend of mine sold Macs, and one of his customers had decided their print server needed to be replaced.

I took the new machine to their office, looked around, and asked where the old print server was.

"What print server?"

I went onto the office net, found there definitely _was_ one, and started a physical search. Found the offending beast in a closet that was hidden behind a tall cubicle partition. Moved the wall out of the way, went into the room, and found an original Mac II, monitor turned off, covered in dust, attached to an ancient lead-acid UPS. Turned the monitor on and checked the uptime.

Twelve years.

It had been a running, non-rebooted print server for twelve years. I felt bad for replacing the poor old thing. Luckily, it was running bone-stock software, so that side of the process was easy enough, but it took three days to train them all on how to use the new process.

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