Reply to post: Evidence for Skilled Abacus Operator being faster than someone with a calculator

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Evidence for Skilled Abacus Operator being faster than someone with a calculator

"does anyone have any evidence for or against the old claim that a skilled abacus operator can produce results faster than someone using a handheld calculator?"

I'm glad you specified "skilled abacus operator" rather than specifying operating on an actual abacus.

The very skilled abacus operators don't even the abacus; they begin with the physical abacus, but as they progress they use a model of one inside their head to do the calculation, instead of having to accept the delay of physically manipulating a real abacus.

Here's a skilled abacus operator (not using an actual abacus - that'd be too slow!) summing 10 four digit numbers in three seconds:

Here's a Guardian piece on the championships. 15 three digit numbers flashed up in 1.70 seconds , and the skilled abacus operator summed them.

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