Reply to post: Re: "I prefer a wild west internet to a potemkin village internet."

FCC boss slams new Californian net neutrality law, brands it illegal

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "I prefer a wild west internet to a potemkin village internet."

"So why don't YOU make a deal yourself? Oh you don't have the money? Well I guess there's an actual BENEFIT to working hard and doing the right things so that you can AFFORD better!"

But people work their arses off and STILL can't make even a Spartan living...because all the rich people are cutting the ladders of upward mobility to keep all the wealth to themselves. That kind of attitude as above is basically the attitude that says the weak (read: most of the population) should just FOAD. Let's just say it has the potential to get REALLY ugly if history is any indication.

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