Reply to post: Re: CCTV?

NUUO, do not want! CCTV webcams can be hacked to spy on you

vtcodger Silver badge


While someone might buy CCTV cameras to monitor day to day activity -- to detect shoplifting for example -- they might also buy them to monitor for vandalism, theft, etc when no one is around. That implies sending the signal to somebody who will watch for suspicious activity in the wee hours of the morning. Some of these things are probably going to be on the internet. Conceptually, there should be a properly configured firewall between the camera and a bored hacker in Budapest. But in practice a lot of them won't have firewalls at all, and some that do will have misconfigured firewalls.

What to do about that situation ... I haven't the slightest. And neither, really, does anyone else.

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