Reply to post: Re: the problem with comparing US to EU

US govt confirms FCC's broadband speeds and feeds stats are garbage


Re: the problem with comparing US to EU

That's the same garbage that has been touted by the ISPs for years.

Reality is this: ISPs can and do build MONOPOLIES and use any tool to maintain them-especially propaganda.

The FCC actively supports them and despite denials from the FCC, their regulations and rules favor the most criminal behavior by the telecoms and internet providers,such as outright lying to the regulators by the telecoms and ISPs, tying the regulators hands by having no ability to enforce regulations,changing the regulations to favor ISPs, tying the burden of proof to such high standards that, like trump,they could kill someone in front of the FCC head,and still be revered as "good Capitalists".

The county of King and Queen, in the state of Virginia is an excellent example. Cox communication came in 30 years ago,snapped up the high density populated area, and never expanded beyond that segment of the county. a county 15 miles wide and 75 miles long.

When the county government wanted to provide their own internet, government funding from the FCC was denied because the county is only 50 miles from Richmond, the state capitol. So,less than 5% of the county has wired internet and the rest can get it wireless from Verizon or Sprint,or Tmobile at ridiculously high prices ($10.00 per Gigabyte) or Satellite with equally burdensome terms of service - or do with out. The county government made a deal with a provider to supply wireless internet at a speed of 3 mps to parts of the county, but less than 2 miles from the support towers and the service is unavailable or so spotty and slow as to be comparable with dial up or even slower.

$g phone service at the same distance from the towers is at one or possibly (with perfect weather and atmosphere conditions )as strong as two bars - but never consistently that high.

Letters to Senators, Governors and state and local representatives all indicate the FCC regulations have tied their hands and the FCC has indicated a healthy robust internet. The government REQUIRES use of the internet to do business with them, then fails to provide that access.

folks in these parts believe the elected officials are in bed with the corporations.

And there is, as proven by their actions or inaction, little reason to believe otherwise.

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