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Kronos crims go retro, Apple builds cop portal, Swiss cheesed over Russian hack bid, etc

Anonymous Coward

I used to be 2M (Micro-Miniature) certified by when all the crap in my spinal cord went to shit, that went out the window. I've been closely following the IME/AMT issue since the beginning and me-cleaner isn't an option, the wrong CPU-familes here. No, I just keep the Intel-CPU machines energy-gapped which sort of works as they are used for pure computing grunt. Machine learning, all sorts of modeling as well as pretty much any form of computer-aided engineering you could think of, even a couple you probably wouldn't. It's still so damned annoying that I have to pull datasets and then cryptographically/safely transport them across systems.

I'm certainly not buying Intel ever again and have been a solid loyalist for a quarter century. Just "what" I get in the future is an open question as they are stuffing this shit into every decent CPU around, not that I have a large budget anymore. Even OpenRISC looks to be joining that now.


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