Reply to post: Re: Do we need an army?

Brit armed forces still don't have enough techies, thunder MPs


Re: Do we need an army?

"A more fundamental question is "Do we need an Army" in the sense of armed forces who, at the end of the day, are there to kill people when the government orders.

Yes, there may be a need for defensive armed forces, and for a bit of UN peace-keeping. But perhaps by moving to a Defence and Emergency Force we may ease some of the problems."

I was thinking about this. People talk about nuclear disarmament, but I wonder if the better plan is nuclear sole-armament. Disband the armed forces, except for a few thousand for internal emergencies and special forces, but have a tip top nuclear triad that can strike anywhere. Invade if you want, but I only have one possible action: turn your country into glass. I also have a few thousand SF guys to shoot you in the face if the glass thing doesn't work.

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