Reply to post: Re: GUI ?

Dust off that old Pentium, Linux fans: It's Elive

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: GUI ?

>I can't really see the use case for a pentium with 256 MB ram.

I can...

However, that takes this distribution into the space already served by more dedicated micro OS's and Linux/FreeBSD distributions with better support. A router for example doesn't need a particularly powerful processor to handle the UI. Likewise, whilst your smart TV could benefit from a decent CPU, doing so would massively increase the price. [Aside: personally, I prefer my TV to be pretty dumb and leave the 'smart' stuff to the Xbox/Playstation/etc.]

As for power consumption, we do need to be a little careful here. Whilst an ancient desktop PC with a Pentium may be a power drain, I'm not sure about newer versions of these 'older' chips that Intel may be producing for specific applications.

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