Reply to post: NHS IT hopeless candidate

Creaky systems 'cost lives': Health secretary Matt Hancock pledges to solve NHS IT woes


NHS IT hopeless candidate

I live in Spain.

The spanish systems all work extremely well.

Appointments : The system is open 24/7 fully automatic via phone or computer

Hospital visit test results are available the next day at doctors or on line for patient (they hide nothing tell all)

Every one entitled to free medical service has a medical card, the card is swiped and checked every time you need any thing. If you dont have a valid medical card you will get no service unless you are insured or have a working credit card. Even the ambulances check.

We use the same card for prescriptions.

The card of course point to all your medical info which is all on line

The medical centre is open 24 hours as is the chemist and the hospital is modern, clean, evem the food is great.

The local medical centre is the responsibility of the Mayor, we all know him, if any thing starts to go wrong he knows he will get it in neck every where he goes. Its not run by some nameless committee of which no one knows

Its a question of accountability that the difference

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