Reply to post: Re: For all your searching

Google is 20, Chrome is 10, and Microsoft would rather ignore the Nokia deal's 5th birthday


Re: For all your searching

"But I still go to Google for cases when I actually want to see stuff to buy as they seem to do better at returning UK based..."

Which is ultimately why all this tracking exists at all. If it was purely about moustache-twirling villains in big business wanting to make a few extra quid, even the general public wouldn't put up with it. But the thing is, at least some tracking offers real benefits in the form of things like more relevant search results, so the average person just doesn't see the problem. Sure, all your data is being sold to the highest bidder (and probably all the rest of the bidders too), but it's a few seconds quicker to find the cat video you're looking for, so no worries right?

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