Reply to post: Re: Fortunately, I suppose,

5G can help us spy on West Midlands with AI CCTV, giggles


Re: Fortunately, I suppose,

there aren't enough police to respond to all incidents even now

No, and if the truth were known, some councils or their agents that allegedly provide a CCTV "service" are also understaffed. My car was significantly vandalised but was parked over the road from a CCTV mast. I contacted the Police who stated that they "didn't have time to look through hours of CCTV footage", and the council sheepishly admitted that "many cameras aren't switched, and those that are on only have the recordings stored for a couple of days, and they didn't have the staff to check for me". I offered to go in and check the recordings myself but was denied. The whole thing is a joke.

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