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Black holes can briefly bring dead white dwarf stars back to life


Join the Q

The thing that puzzles me the most about black holes is the way that particles and radiation manage to inexplicably escape the inescapable.

I have a theory though!

Welcome to Q space (short for quantum space, but also a tip of the hat to Star Trek)

Q space is a dimension that from our perspective lacks time. From the perspective of something entering it, not so.

A particle will enter Q space if its energy level rises above the threshold level for that particle, and remain in Q space until that excess energy is dissipated, at which point it exits Q space and returns to normal space.

We see all the time how molecules transcend states from liquid to gas based on the amount of energy present, and so it isn't such a huge leap to consider fundamental particles also transcend to a state that better accommodates their energy level.

In quantum tunnelling, the electron does not pass through the insulating layer, but instead traverses that space in the Q dimension where the obstructing insulator doesn't exist. So, the probability curve is actually the likelihood of an electron getting a sufficient boost of energy to carry it into Q space for the time required to jump the insulating gap. Although precise measurement would show that not a jot of time had passed between the the particles disappearance and reappearance.

At this point I'd like to mention the observations made while firing neutrinos through the Alps, and that some of these particles appeared to travel faster than light. Yes, those particles got an energy bump along the way and spent some of the time in Q space, which as I explained, is no time at all, and thus would give rise to the faster than light results.

Now I've postulated that Q space is beyond our time frame, and it might also be true that normal space gravity has no sway in this dimension. In which case I have satisfied myself as to how particles manage to escape a black hole, but if this isn't the case then let me introduce you to Z space, which is the next energy level up from Q space, where the gravity of our, and Q space doesn't exist, thus allowing particles to break free from a black hole.

Now what about Q space v's Inflation theory...the more I think about Q space the more I like it.

In short, if by using all of the dimensions you are familiar with, you still can't describe the phenomena that you see, then you're toolbox is clearly lacking a dimension or two.

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