Reply to post: Re: IPv4 Address Pool Has Been Expanded Significantly

We've found another problem with IPv6: It's sparked a punch-up between top networks

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: IPv4 Address Pool Has Been Expanded Significantly

As a network engineer, there are two key problems with IPv6 that are holding back deployments in environments that have yet to move:

- it costs money to move and so far, the cost of not moving or using existing workarounds outweighs the benefits of moving for the majority of the existing user base.

- it's a little different from IPv4. Not much but enough to make enough things break or need tweaks that large environments won't move unless pushed. This is the "fear of change" rather than the cost implications, as there are still memories of getting the stack fully over to IPv4 in the last 10-15 years...

The workaround you suggest are affected by both issues and IPv6 has significantly more real-world testing AND scalability.

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