Reply to post: Re: Cost does not justifiy Value

A decade on, Apple and Google's 30% app store cut looks pretty cheesy

SImon Hobson Bronze badge

Re: Cost does not justifiy Value

The value of a service is what people are ready to pay for

That is true in a competitive marketplace. But this is not.

As already mentioned, for the vast majority of Android users, if it isn't in Google's store then it doesn't exist. For Apple it's virtually all users since Apple don't allow any sideloading and go to great lengths to prevent users breaking the locks so they can use the hardware they bought as they wish. So as a developer (unless you are big enough to run your own store, which is not the case for most devs) it's not a case of whether you think it's a reasonable price to pay, it's a question of "do I want to sell this ?" - if the answer to that is yes, then they have no choice but to pay whatever Google "asks" for.

Ie, it's not a choice between 30% or some other cut a different store will charge - it's a choice between 30% or no business.

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