Reply to post: Re: On the one hand

No do-overs! Appeals court won’t hear $8.8bn Oracle v Google rehash

Doctor Syntax Silver badge

Re: On the one hand

"Personally speaking I believe copyright laws should be strict; a grey area on that matter won't serve anyone."

The only thing worse than a grey area here is placing APIs under copyright.

There is a grey area in copyright and that's the idea of fair usage. The assumption which has been fundamental to S/W development in general, not just open source, is that use of the code that defines an API is fair use. If the line is drawn on the other side of that then part of almost every body of code are infringing copies of someone else's code. Oracle are probably as vulnerable as anyone else here: inter alia who owns the copyright to SQL?

This decision is dangerous to anyone in S/W development wherever the decision is binding. It's not too hard to envisage development driven out of the US altogether and any S/W sold into the US carrying a copyright surcharge.

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