Reply to post: eSim? Still struggling with Paper-Sims

Keep yer plastic, says analyst: eSIMs aren't all they're cracked up to be

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

eSim? Still struggling with Paper-Sims

Just wondering if anyone else runs into this. I've been struggling with paper / cardboard Sims for years, even wrecking phones as a result of the 3-part cardboard Sim coming apart when taking the Sim out of the slot. The underlying pins get caught up in the 3 layers of crappy designed cardboard.

Who the hell designed this system? Why is a Sim built on cardboard instead of plastic or something more rigid anyway. Anyone know... I just love when you have to swap Sims between a full-size and micro size phone a few times on holiday etc, and the Sim is shredded after 2/3 goes. WTF?

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