Reply to post: Open Source and Doing it Wrong

Redis has a license to kill: Open-source database maker takes some code proprietary

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Open Source and Doing it Wrong

If Redis want out, they should get out. It's clear that it's not their cup of tea.

Open source should always be about the community. It's creation of the community, by the community, and for the community. The creation should not be viewed as something you want personally ownership. Instead, the service of you provided should be consider an achievement.

It's basically like being a teacher and teaching others. By teaching the students, many becomes rich and won't return to help you, but some of your students will help you back on your research. You learn more as a result and the world gets better and educated.

Base on that. Whoever fork whatever really shouldn't matter, because they're not the community. They could use Linux for cloud and became billionaire with it, but none of that should matters. It's because it's not about the community.

Open source is about the community. Redis did it without thinking for the community, so they should get out.

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