Reply to post: Re: Suicide

Redis has a license to kill: Open-source database maker takes some code proprietary

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Suicide

A fork of the last AGPL version sounds like the right solution here.

Note that the Affero General Public License is already designed to limit use of the software in hosted platforms - requiring that any platform which uses that software also distributes its source code.

This means that Redis Labs are not complaining about cloud service providers using the software and not contributing their patches: they are complaining that they don't get a cut of the revenue stream. That's fine for them, but what about all the other contributors to the software who also don't receive any revenue from its use?

EDIT: technically they're not "closing source". Rather, they are removing all your rights to use the software in any commercial setting. It's back to the days of "free for personal, non-commercial use only". Once the Commons Clause has been applied, the fact that the remaining licence is Apache 2.0 is pretty moot.

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