Reply to post: Re: I think you just put yours in the shredder

You want how much?! Israel opts not to renew its Office 365 vows

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: I think you just put yours in the shredder

Uhmmm, read up on what's ACTUALLY happening Bob. It's hard to find, but factual news is still to be found about what is happening in and around Israel and "Palestina" (in so much as there is such a thing). While certainly a lot of what is happening is a direct reaction to and consequence of violence from the muslim side of the argument, the Israelis are most certainly not exactly doing themselves any favours in how they deal with things. Reactions aren't always exactly proportional or just. There's plenty of criticism to be leveled at Israel, and putting them above critique because of Islamist propaganda isn't going to help the situation.

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