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London's Gatwick Airport flies back to the future as screens fail

Lee D Silver badge

How do you know if a flight coming in is going to be delayed?

You have to connect to something - the airline, the air traffic control (unlikely outside UK airspace), the other airports, etc. Without that you have no idea if a flight is delayed, thus no idea if the next one has to be bumped down, etc.

You have to have a live connection for this to be anywhere near vaguely useful. That they can't get a redundant connection to Gatwick is ridiculous. They should never fall over, there should be multiple fibres km's apart from each other connecting to different towns at minimum I imagine. Can't fathom what Vodafone is doing running that, to be honest. Unless they're complaining that a 4G backup didn't work (but then... if that's the case... surely that 4G connection just runs from a local leased line, etc.?

That they need a connection isn't the problem. That they haven't got a suitably redundant connection is the problem. It looks immensely like the boards aren't even connected as well as, say, the cell tower in the terminal, or the free wifi.

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