Reply to post: Re: Useless data fetish

Google risks mega-fine in EU over location 'stalking'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Useless data fetish

Concur although it can be very accurate if you go into Google's settings to cull the "mistaken" profiling. Whenever Google jogs my elbow saying it's time to check into my settings, I don't ignore it. I've been using their services for multiple business and personal accounts since Google's introduction. Quite obviously, I know exactly what I'm agreeing to up-front. I consider the trade-off acceptable. Equally obvious that many/most everyone here do not. The situation with Microsoft is quite the opposite. There is force involved in that "relationship." Hundreds of thousands of dollars for software packages stuck to Windows operating systems assures that. Abandon that investment or submit.

Now if you want to get into threat models, that's the cable company and most likely the US government. The former is a piece of cake to circumvent, well here at least. The latter, impossible.

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