Reply to post: Re: Obligatory

US voting systems: Full of holes, loaded with pop music, and 'hacked' by an 11-year-old

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Obligatory

planes that have someone trying to make them crash don't typically fair very well

"fare", not "fair". And actually they do generally fare pretty well, unless that person has access to the flight deck, which is much less common after 11 September 2001.

Nor, I think, would elevators that had a person knowledgeable about them trying to make them fall.

And that's even more difficult, even if you're knowledgeable.1 It's certainly more difficult than hacking one of these direly unsafe voting systems.

1It's quite straightforward to make an elevator that can't fall without massive compromise of the car or shaft. For example, put an asymmetric weight on the car, so that if it's not under tension from the lift mechanism, it will tilt to one side. Then, if that doesn't provide sufficient braking force on its own, add a ratchet to the side of the shaft that the bottom of the car will press against when it's tilted. There are other purely-mechanical safety mechanisms that achieve the same result.

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