Reply to post: Re: The one thing I wholeheartedly agree with Jobs on ...

Samsung Galaxy Note 9: A steep price to pay

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The one thing I wholeheartedly agree with Jobs on ...

> "I'm a designer" - come back and comment here when you've got a real job then. Oh, and I'll have a Double Espresso.

I said I'm a *product* designer - it's the Mac-using *graphic* designers who look like baristas. So go make your own cup of Nescafé and scald yourself on your poorly designed kettle whilst you're at it. If your kettle does happen to be safe and comfortable to use then why, you have a product designer to thank for it. And if you've ever found an IBM ThinkPad a good bit of kit, thank the product designer Richard Sapper, his team and colleagues - you see, it's a collaborative discipline.

Since your wits have led you to dismiss the importance of hardware design - on a thread about a piece of hardware design! - we shouldn't keep you from your 'real' job of filling in a B&Q application form, or whatever it is a man of your learning and manners is capable of. Chief procurement officer for UK government IT systems, possibly.

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