Reply to post: About 10 -15 years ago

Samsung Galaxy Note 9: A steep price to pay

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

About 10 -15 years ago

Every time my phone service company offered me a new phone, it was way more powerful and useful than my existing device. What's more, the deal I got in minutes and texts, and then data - hundreds of megabytes of data - cheaper than I was paying, made upgrading an easy choice.

Now I get more time to talk than I can use, even if I spend all day talking on my mobile, I have unlimited texts, and I could use more data, but it's not too hard to manage within my limit.

Modern handsets do no more than the phones they are superceding. As another commentator said, they have negative features. It's so great, it doesn't have a memory card slot. You can't use headphones. Oh, take my money.

I'm OK with my existing handset. I remember when to use a mobile phone you had to carry a satchel with a car battery sized power unit, so if I can fit it in my shirt pocket, I'm pretty happy.

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