Reply to post: Re: What we need is IPv7.

IPv6: It's only NAT-ural that network nerds are dragging their feet...

Charles 9

Re: What we need is IPv7.

"So, yes, IPv4/IPv6 interworking is a mess, however the real problem is the seeming lack of progress on a global public IPv6 Internet to encourage people to take the migration seriously."

Problem is, a lot of people are in "If it ain't broke..." mode, and anything that's broke right now under the current regime, they probably don't need. Since people need an IPv4 address to stay visible on the Internet in general, people just keep trading in them. Who cares about the new market when everyone's still in the old one, IOW? Unless and until something essential seriously breaks stone cold dead, IPv4 will continue due to sheer momentum.

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