Reply to post: Re: Indentation-significant syntax

Imagine Python fan fiction written in C, read with a Lisp: Code lingo Nim gets cash injection

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Indentation-significant syntax

I have mixed feelings about indentation for structure, but I can live with it.

I find other things to dislike about Nim's syntax. In particular, the developers are in love with obscure and non-intuitive symbols and constructs. Why use "*" as a suffix to mean "exported" (which is apparently equivalent to "public")? The dire character shortage has ended; we can now use actual words in our code. And the embedded linker directives in one of their examples:

{.passL: "-lsfml-graphics -lsfml-system".}

Besides being obviously non-portable, that's ... well, simply vile.

It's nice Nim can compile to C or Javascript. It's nice that it offers a variety of GCs with different performance characteristics. It's kind of nice that it has macros, though that's a double-edged sword too; you really want to rein in your developers on that one. But this is not a language I find appealing.

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