Reply to post: Re: Second class netizen

IPv6: It's only NAT-ural that network nerds are dragging their feet...


Re: Second class netizen

But since few machines ever need more than a few dozen of those ports they can effectively be considered as adding 16 bits to an IPv4 address field, which is what NAT does. It might be ugly for the purists, but it works.

FSVO "works." It doesn't play particularly well with SIP. FTP active mode is right out. Admittedly these are things that the average cat video consumer isn't likely to be worried about right now.

Yet there's the equivalent of the slowly boiling frog going on here. You don't really need an understanding of nuclear fission yet I bet you have it. Bringing us all down to the lowest common denominator is dangerous. Ignore the loss of functionality at your peril while it stifles future innovation and freedom of choice under the duvet of NAT.

I remain amazed that the folks on here can't see the potential problems of these second class connections.

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