Reply to post: Re: good lord; is this not a techie site?

Drink this potion, Linux kernel, and tomorrow you'll wake up with a WireGuard VPN driver

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: good lord; is this not a techie site?

> The number of people who are confused

Must agree with the surprised title. Some really astonishing lack on understanding about how the linux kernel works, and the significance, or otherwise of a new project managing to get approval from the kernel developers. The nonsense about bloat and assumptions that being in the mainline meant wg would no longer be a module is so misplaced, one wonders whether trolls have pounced on this. Attempted comparisons of particular distros' kernel compilation choices and the kernel development process really read like FUD shill comments. So unlike ElReg commentards, who we expect and hope to be better informed.

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