Reply to post: IoT Hell - US firms are indifferent to EU GDPR

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Anonymous Coward

IoT Hell - US firms are indifferent to EU GDPR


"Companies supposedly withdrawing from Europe could end up with EU data for any range of reasons, such as EU citizens travelling in the US and visiting their site or using their service. - Net Results: Many US tech firms still dismissive of GDPR - it could take years of fines and court challenges - US companies will be particularly implicated here, due to the preponderance of data-processing multinationals.

"The US attitude has always been dismissive towards EU privacy and data protections. I’ve sat through countless sessions at events in the US where EU protections that were supposed to be observed already under the former principles of Safe Harbour data transfer, and later its current replacement Privacy Shield, were discussed with, at best, mild annoyance and too often, belittling contempt. - This is is why I’ve always doubted that many US organisations took either seriously. And I know from talking to individuals who know the position at first hand, that, in practice, many haven’t."

"Silicon Valley companies, in particular, are grossly underestimating their GDPR obligations. He notes: “Companies that think they can just block EU IP addresses and avoid the GDPR are kidding themselves. There are plenty of legitimate reasons for an EU user’s IP address to appear as if it is from outside the EU. As soon as that happens, the company likely has GDPR obligations.”

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