Reply to post: Re: An attitude based on unfounded snobbery

Now that's a dodgy Giza: Eggheads claim Great Pyramid can focus electromagnetic waves

CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

Re: An attitude based on unfounded snobbery

The only materials they had to use back then was stone and later on, copper

And wood. Sandstone is easily split by using copper chisels to make a small hole and then using wooden wedges to make the holes larger. And if your holes are in a nice line (preferrably along the grain) then sandstone is pretty easy to split.

And we know that's how they did it because we know where their quarries were and can see imcomplete or undetatched blocks.

And in Europe, they used deer antler picks to mine flint. It was pretty rubbish (by modern terms) but it did the job and was using something which they had anyway.

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