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Now that's a dodgy Giza: Eggheads claim Great Pyramid can focus electromagnetic waves

JimmyPage Silver badge

Has The Register been hacked by the Express ?

The Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, has remained an architectural mystery.

To who ? Obviously the thickies that read tabloid journalists haven't got the smarts to work out how buildings work. But people who have take the time and effort to improve their understanding by "learning" (some folk may need to look that one up in a dictionary) don't use words like "mystery".

How was it built?

it was built by cutting blocks of stone, and placing them in position. Yes it is hard work (which probably accounts for some lack of understanding by modern standards). But entirely possible. As we can see BECAUSE IT'S THERE.

Why are its dimensions so perfect?

Why are any buildings dimensions "so" perfect ? Because they were built to a plan using the (ridiculously simple) tools to maintain angles and lines.

Don't get me wrong. The Pyramids are a fucking classy piece of work. An amazing legacy. And doubtless a lot of techniques and knowledge that were extant at the time of building have been lost. But "mystery" ? We can even have a stab at what they were used for. Sodding big mausoleums. We can also have an educated guess that they build a pyramid because - clever as they were - they couldn't build a hemisphere which would have represented the night sky they did worship.

Here's an interesting clip ... hopefully takes some of the "woo" out of the discussion. Which is not to say "wow" - as it is amazing.

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