Reply to post: @DougS

Pentagon 'do not buy' list says нет to Russia, 不要 to Chinese code

Nick Kew


If it was protectionism, they would ban all non-US sources rather than just two countries.

It's all done in small stages. First Kaspersky (um, surely a globally leading Good Guy). Then various Chinese bigcos on varying pretexts. Now a little more.

For non-US western companies there's a different approach, and it's outsourced. Use bogus patents to cripple Blackberry, leaving it a Suit-dominated company which can no longer innovate and dies a natural death. Lend a helping hand to Nokia's self-immolation.

Tariffs didn't happen all at once either. Divide and rule. If they'd hit their friends and allies (Canada, Mexico, the EU) at the same time as they hit China, the world might've got together and stood more united.

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