Reply to post: Re: It's the easy way out...

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Re: It's the easy way out...

>What signal does that sent out exactly?

Specifically re selling alcohol to minors (and not falling in the trap of generalizing to the subject of this article) it sends a rather salutory message:

those who would have financial incentives to sell to minors are discouraged, financially, from doing so. While it would be pointless, costly to pursue the minors doing so, who being minors and committing minor offences in this case, would generally be beyond serious punishments.

Most countries in the West have similar systems because it is simple, cost-effective and targets a small set of intermediaries.

What would _you_ suggest? Juvenile prison, fines to the parents? Iran would do caning, but I won’t even suggest you’d suggest it.

While I have my doubts re this bill, your comparison with liquor regulations is rather weak.

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