Reply to post: Re: Donated

Rights group launches legal challenge over London cops' use of facial recognition tech

jmch Silver badge

Re: Donated

"Criticism of Israel is ok, comparing them to Nazi's isn't."

The Israeli government has embarked on a very slippery slope whereby it is treating citizens of it's own country as second-class citizens. It's treating other non-citizens in areas which are not Israel but occupied by Israel and under de facto the control of Israeli government as sub-humans with zero rights. This on the base of race / religion.

So, if you want to be pedantic about it, Israel haven't yet arrived at the point where they're doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to Jews, but they're steadily heading that way. Just because Jews were scapegoated for hundreds of years and rounded up for forced labour and mass-murder (and let's be clear, there is no doubt that this happened and that it is one of the most awful an deplorable things ever in the history of mankind) does not make Israel immune from criticism for perpetrating even one-hundredth of that on another people. And just because they were attacked by their neighbours over 50 years ago doesn't give them license to do as they please on that occupied land.

The comparison to Nazis might be insensitive but is not so inappropriate, if only to serve as an eye-opener and shock decent Israelis (and also Jews around the world ) into understanding exactly what the Israeli government is up to.

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