Reply to post: Re: @ robidy

Oh boy: MPs prepare to probe's digital prowess and tech savvy

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: @ robidy

Bless. Do you think we live in a democracy? How do you think these parties are elected? Do their election campaigns fund themselves? (Donors and corporate with their own agendas) Do they live off the M.P. pensions once they retire? (Tony Blare, David Cameron etc.. etc...) Do the people that work under them change after an election? (civil service) Does the government have enquiries to avoid criminal liability? Do committees actually do anything other than further M.P.'s careers asking questions where they don't actually get an answer with no follow up?

With this new knowledge does your vote count? I'm sure some of our American brothers and sisters can elaborate on how their "democracy" is even worse. (cable donations to net neutrality etc.. etc...)

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