Reply to post: Re: That conclusion seems a bit fast to me

Hurrah! Boffins finally discover liquid water sloshing around on Mars


Re: That conclusion seems a bit fast to me

"But we like The Register that way, right?"

Actually, no. I mostly enjoy the well-placed snark as much as the next guy, but prefer the actual information to stay as factually correct as possible. Admittedly this specific one is a very subjective example, but I for one was left with the impression of having read "ok guys, this time we found water for realsies, the matter is conclusively settled, full stop" when what the researchers wrote was merely "we found something consistent with the presence of liquid water and we have no idea what else could cause it". That's very, very far from "we found something that we know can be exclusively and only caused by presence of liquid water". And I don't appreciate needing to read the whole original source material just to untangle what the factual information I'm reading about is supposed to actually be.

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