Reply to post: Re: Amadeus

British Airways' latest Total Inability To Support Upwardness of Planes* caused by Amadeus system outage


Re: Amadeus


Given that I plan on getting from point A to point B in one piece, fuel loading and weight and balance is something that's calculated before every flight.


Why? If you calculated the W&B once, why do you believe it is necessary to do so every time you fly with that same (or very similar) load? The answer won't change because it's a different date!

I would calculate W&B if I was taking an unusual or marginal load, but in most cases I would be quite confident that full tanks plus 3 passengers (say) would be well within W&B unless the passengers were grossly overweight. But if I was taking 5 passengers plus luggage, then sure, I'd do a full W&B calculation to determine how much fuel I could carry (and yes, I'd weigh the passengers).

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