Reply to post: Re: Vogon

I predict a riot: Amazon UK chief foresees 'civil unrest' for no-deal Brexit

jmch Silver badge

Re: Vogon

"It was a majority of voters just like wins any other democratic election. If you dont vote, your opinion doesnt count."

Unfortunately "f you dont vote, your opinion doesnt count" is the way that elections / referendums are currently run. I have long held that voting should be mandatory, with a "none of the above" option that is a meaningful choice ie if "none of the above" wins a majority, a new election should be called with previous candidates barred from running, or in the case of a referendum, to be re-held with a clearer or more meaningful question.

"And if the rest had voted it would have been an even larger majority for Brexit."

That is complete speculation on your part, and whether the abstainers would have voted remain or leave is, by now, a completely moot point.

For what it's worth (and saying this as a non-Brit citizen or resident and with no personal agenda), I think the UK political class totally screwed the whole Brexit thing up, from Cameron calling the referendum in the first place, to the way there was no clear information about consequences of leaving, from the leavers jumping like rats off a sinking ship the moment they realised someone had to actually work on the details of leaving to the triggering article 52 immediately (and having to negotiate with a ticking time bomb in your hand) rather than negotiate first and trigger the article later... it was one giant clusterfuck, and whatever the outcome it's difficult to see it being any better than the status quo.

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