Reply to post: Re: Russia and Who else?

Microsoft: The Kremlin's hackers are already sniffing, probing around America's 2018 elections


Re: Russia and Who else?

"The mess was not because the efforts were particularly effective "

From where I'm sitting they seem to have been remarkably effective. Trump is about a divisive a candidate as you can get. The goal is fracturing existing political groups, and then setting them on each other. Hence why Clinton/Bernie was such a shitshow, Bernie couldn't win the nomination, but suddenly got a bunch more money and support which just so happened to result in plenty of anti-Clinton democrats. Who then were less likely to vote in the actual election.

Trump is shitting all over US allies and industrial partners. Can't say a nice thing to/about any of them, even if his family is from Germany and Scotland. Questions article 5 of NATO, despite the fact that the US is currently using it for the GWOT*.

But when it comes to Russia, suddenly Trump gets coy, hedging even the weakest complaint. The EU is a foe, the Russians are competitors. Even after he didn't not fuck up Helsinki meeting, reading a canned statement designed to make his position "clear" he couldn't resist adding "but it could be anyone" to the end.

While it might be Trump is a Manchurian candidate, or Putin has some real dirt on him (or just a bunch of his loans belong to Putin's bank). But it could as equally be that Trump is quite aware of just how much help having a plausibly deniable ratfucker on your side, and is terrified what would happen if they switched.

So either Trump is scared or controlled by Putin. Doesn't really matter which at this point.

"Also, who else besides Ivan wants to stir the pot for much the same reasons? I can think of a few such as China, India, EU, NorK for starters."

I must have missed the sanctions being imposed upon the oligarchs of those nations after the invasion of their neighbor.

The EU consists of nations who are either friendly or allied to the US. The repercussions of even attempting (or being caught) dicking with a fellow democracy would out way any potential gains. Since pretty much every other politician in the US is aware that the EU are in fact allies, it's not like it's an extreme position that needs to be advocated.

The Norks love Trump! He gave them a huge political victory, and apparently does't understand the ramifications (optics and practical) of stopping military exercises. Name another recent president who would have betrayed long term allies in exchange for no policy change and a photo op.

The Chinese are quite happy with Trump too. Their territorial and influence expansion works better with MAGA policies, since it allows them to be the local superpower in Asia and Africa. Belt and road baby :)

* invoked after 9/11. Because the world superpower needs some help cleaning up the blowback from the "defensive" US fights on communism.

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