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It's 2018 so, of course, is sold to climate change deniers

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

There is a big difference in denying that climate is changing (which it is and always has been) and questioning the accepted "truth" that mankind is the ONLY cause.

Trump et al are in that first camp and are complete fucking morons.

Others, including myself, are in the second camp but sadly our message has been undermined by that orange moron in the White House.

There is a very good reason for me to be a Man-Made Climate Change skeptic - I've seen the code that comprises the computer models used to make predictions and it is complete and utter crap that I would fail big time if it came to me for code review. I have a background in both geophysics and software development and also in computer modelling so I think I know complete and utter crap code that I wouldn't rely on predicting the setting of the sun let alone the climate!

I'm not a climate denier, I'm a climate skeptic.

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