Reply to post: BBC2's transmission mixer...

Sysadmin shut down server, it went ‘Clunk!’ but the app kept running

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

BBC2's transmission mixer...

Many years ago, BBC Presentation (the part that plays the programmes out and does the announcements etc) had 3 control rooms and associated equipment for BBC1 and 2. This was to allow for upgrades, testing, redundancy etc. The areas were called Red, Green and Blue. One day a colleague and I were working in the Green area (not on air) while Red was doing BBC1 and Blue BBC2. We wanted to restart the Green mixer so two of us trolled through to the apps room* taking great care to "support each other" and stood in front of the Red bays**. These were clearly painted red. We were seconds away from pulling the power before we both said "NO!!!! Green, Green Green...."

I think it was only Wimbledon so not many people watching....

*Broadcast/BBC terminology

**Racks to most of you

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