Reply to post: Re: Throw caution to the wind and it will fall upon someone else

Time to dump dual-stack networks and get on the IPv6 train – with LW4o6


Re: Throw caution to the wind and it will fall upon someone else

Actually, Windows uses them by default. The main thing that doesn't is Linux without network-manager. I'm not sure if you're now going to praise Microsoft for doing the right thing and criticise Linux, but there you have it.

> as it makes me easier for hackers and other pernicious actors to locate.

You are, of course, harder to find on v6 because the search space is much larger. Other people's insecure IoT kit (because I know nobody on El Reg would run any of that stuff, but there are people out there who do) is also harder to find, sufficiently so that random network scanning is unlikely to remain a viable infection technique on v6.

Also, NAT has nothing to do with security and you don't need (and cannot use!) it to control inbound connections to your network. If you don't want people connecting, just don't configure your firewall to allow them to connect. v6 does not magically make your network impossible to secure.

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