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Amazon’s Snowball snowballs as Google's clone gets real and IBM's comes to Europe


I haven't checked out anything other than Snowball but the biggest issue with it was that the protocol used to put the data into a snowball (CIFS/NFS) is different than the one that is used to access it in the cloud once it is uploaded (HTTP). That adds significant complexity to adapting the business processes that are using the data to its new location. Yes, I realize that has been improved in more recent versions but still there is usually going to be a bit of manual fiddling for a lot of workflows. For the use case of capture a bunch of data for a fixed period of time, import it and do some processing on iit, the model works. For on-going workflows where data is being read and written more often than every few days it's pretty complicated. Most importantly where does new data go while the Snowball is in transit and how do sync up any changes made during that time.

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