Reply to post: Re: Just Wait till NZ gets the bill

Creep travels half the world to harass online teen gamer… and gets shot by her mom – cops


Re: Just Wait till NZ gets the bill

"Also, I'm pretty sure New Zealand won't be on the hook for medical care in America at all even if he is one of their citizens."

Unless he's in the country illegally, otherwise yes, NZ will pick up the tab.

Many countries with national healthcare systems have arrangements with the USA, whereby USA citizens in those countries get healthcare coverage as though they were locals, and the USA covers the bills for those people visiting the country. As far as I'm aware both NZ and UK do that.

I believe it's different once people get permanent residency/citizenship, as compared a time limited residency.

So in the same way that when an American tourist decides to do the Tongarino crossing in trainers and shorts, then breaks their leg, they don't get a bill for the search and rescue or the helicopter ride out, our dumb arse stalker here also won't be facing a bill for his chopper flight.

As for his hospital bills once he's in jail. that's another matter....

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