Reply to post: Re: Did it really sink Reality Winner?

German researchers defeat printers' doc-tracking dots

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Did it really sink Reality Winner?

The dots were irrelevant? I remember seeing close-ups of the images with (enhanced) dot patterns on day one. You can actually see them all over the images in the Intercept article, particularly the one with a black background. They're faint but clearly not noise.

According to Wikipedia (FWIW), she left several footprints: the dots; printing the documents from her work PC while logged in as herself; and emailing The Intercept from her own computer.

She also made the mistake of piling on to a political witch hunt, ironically one masterminded by the old guard of the intel community, it seems. If she'd left it alone, in due time they would've wielded this ammunition against Trump the right way, in the Congressional star chamber. Though let's be honest: it was a damp squib. She accomplished fuck all for her cause, and earned a five year prison sentence for her trouble.

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