Reply to post: Re: I thought of the child(ren)

Creep travels half the world to harass online teen gamer… and gets shot by her mom – cops

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: I thought of the child(ren)

"A .22 doesn't really have enough stopping power to deal with an intruder."

The myth of "bigger is better" again?

As with knives (a lot of fatal stabbings are done with a pen-knife), a .22 is quite effective, even in unskilled hands. Amongst other things the bullet has sufficient energy to enter a skull but not enough to leave, so it tends to rattle around inside for a wee while before stopping - resulting in scrambled brains for a tiny entry hole.

As for Skinner - It's good that the girl's mother didn't kill him. He's going to wish she had though.

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