Reply to post: Re: Not quite the end of the month....

Software changed the world, then died on the first of the month

Andrew Moore

Re: Not quite the end of the month....

"It works alright on my machine!"

Had a situation a couple of years ago where a company based in Switzerland was producing a piece of software that only ran on Windows 8 (no, I don't know why either). Many people tried and failed to get the software working and eventually it landed in my lap. After many days back and forth with the Swiss developers, I finally got on a plane, flew over to their offices and showed them their software, not working on my machine. Within half-an-hour I'd got to the bottom of the issue- you can't switch off UAC on Windows 8, so the developer had some nasty registry kludge on his development PC which disabled it. The bug was UAC on regular PCs not allowing a deep system call to comms devices.

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