Reply to post: Re: Mavericks isn't exactly a spring chicken

Chrome sends old Macs on permanent Safari: Browser bricks itself

heyrick Silver badge

Re: Mavericks isn't exactly a spring chicken

"Aren't we supposed to be nerdy"

I'll give an example of how to do this better:

MegaBrowser version 1.23 installed on various machines running the old XyzzyOS. Support for them will soon be dropped as few people use them (I'm sure this was a planned obsolescence, not somebody's Tuesday afternoon whim).

So the company will push out MegaBrowser 1.24 like normal, however the build for XyzzyOS will no longer have any automatic update functionality and attempts to check for updates will open a dialogue explaining that XyzzyOS is no longer supported, that the software may be insecure because it isn't going to be updated any more, and whatever corporate bull they think might help push users to install the brilliant new Copland OS Enterprise.

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