Reply to post: Re: Intel. All hope is lost.

Meet TLBleed: A crypto-key-leaking CPU attack that Intel reckons we shouldn't worry about


Re: Intel. All hope is lost.

"AMD Ryzen is better in every regard and ARM based CPUs are a strong contender."

I have been building computers for almost 2 decades with AMD CPUs, and will always choose them over Intel a a matter of personal preference. And I agree that Ryzen is a great processor.

But if you read the article, it looks like AMD's offerings may be vulnerable as well. And that's the thing. Whether you like AMD, Intel, or ARM, Coke or Pepsi, etc., there will always be yet another vulnerability discovered, yesterday's foolproof encryption will be trivially broken in the next decade, and idiot-proofing something just means that more complete idiots will emerge to prove you wrong. With the way security evolves in our high-tech world, it's almost like we're seeing an abstraction of the natural selection that occurs in nature.

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